mise en scene


LIGHTING:The lighting in the stranger things video was for the most bit dark but their was only 1 bright thing and that was the light at the end of the scene.The gloomy feeling gave you shivers on what was going to happen next.

Actors:The actor at beginning of the episode was a fairly old man dressed in a lab coat which indicates that the man was a scientist.For the rest of the episode it was little maybe teenage boys because they looked young and had rucksacks on which are normally worn by  kids.Connotations of the dog suggests it is someones pet and in the opening of stranger things the dog was barking to show awareness to the owner who was a young kid to let him know there was a mysterious mysterious at the door.

Props:The first glimpse of the boy gang is when the were  playing board games which shows that they were not in this day and age because now days little kids are not playing with board games they are playing with tablets or a phone.Another prop the used was bikes which looked really old like from the 1980s and you can clearly see the bikes were rusted. 


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