Audience Effects Theory

Audience Effects Theory

1)Passive audience:passive audience is an audience that merely observes and event rather than actively responding it

2)Active audience:Active audience theory argues that media audiences do not just receive information passively but are actively involved, often unconsciously, in making sense of the message within their personal and social contexts.

3)hypodermic needle theory: The hypodermic needle model is a model of communication suggesting that an intended message is directly received and wholly accepted by the receiver.

4) Write down a media product for each category of Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory and why it fits that particular audience use/gratification.

 > Why:They teach the people who consume  on things  they don't know of.

 > Why:1) Write a definition of a passive audience:  Computer games can be time consuming and will make you lose track of time because how fun they are.It helps you get away from reality.

RELATIONSHIPS: Shows that show the life of the people
 > Why: This is when the audience has a interaction over the show and care about the person that appear on the show which then results in a forming relationship with the main actor during a show and then your upset that he died so your forming a relationship with the people

VISCERAL PLEASURE:The enjoyment of watching Blue Planet is that your eyes open wide of amazement of how the whale jumping out the water and the coral changing colour and the fish swimming fast.

VICARIOUS PLEASURE:Something that you can experience through the characters in Blue Plant is how turtles swim.Also you can experience how high  whales jump out off the water and how it bellyflops into the water

VOYEURISTIC PLEASURE: cameras shows the  colours of the coral and the different type of wild life for example: different types of whales,fishes and other stuff. 


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