camera work analysis

the first 0:08 seconds is a medium close shot when he was getting ready to go on a mission to go kill Ats and it was an above shoulder as it was showing  shoulder to head.This was because Ats planted a bag with a gun which resulted in 2 people who were innocent getting arrested.The next about 0:21 seconds approximately was a medium close up as it is showing what is about to go down and also what is about to be a shootout.Also it was a medium shot because kit was walking to the supposed premises.

It then shows a medium shot as kit is trying to get the gun of the mum of  Ats;this was happening at 56 seconds.It was showing Kit getting out his gun aiming to kill Ats and Ats mum He then shoots 2 times missing both and is angry that he never went in and done his job.

From 56 seconds to the end of the video they (mum and Ats) are crying at the fact that both of them nearly died and that was also  a medium camera shot. They were crying of joy as both Ats and his mum escaped death and Ats mum saved Ats life as he was trying to shoot but the mum was holding the gun.


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